Practice with your neighbors!
Communities unite to engage in radio communication training "nets", preparing for emergencies. During these community nets, participants adhere to established procedures, radio etiquette, and engage in discussions covering programming instruction, upcoming radio events, and community updates. Please consult the chart below to find your nearest community net and join in! While this may seem daunting at first, it shouldn't be. The leaders and participants of these community nets are your neighbors, eager to welcome you. To help you get started, we've included a script below for your participation and what to say during the next community net.
Community Radio Net Schedule
Green Valley
Knights Valley
Franz Valley
Coastal Hills
County-Wide GMRS Net
Green Valley
Knights Valley
Franz Valley
Coastal Hills
County-Wide GMRS Net
- Day: First Monday of every month
- Time: 6:45 PM
- Channel/Frequency: GMRS15
- Day: Thursday
- Time: 7:00 PM
- Channel/Frequency: CLOVER
Knights Valley
- Day: Wednesday
- Time: 5:30 PM
- Channel/Frequency: GMRS22
Franz Valley
- Day: Wednesday
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Channel/Frequency: GMRS20
- Day: Wednesday
- Time: 6:30 PM
- Channel/Frequency: SHERID, MORHAR, WILDWD and TERAVN
Coastal Hills
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Channel/Frequency: FORTRS, MUNIZ
- Day: Monday
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Channel/Frequency: HACIDA
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 8:30 PM
- Channel/Frequency: DBRNCH
- Day: Tuesday
- Time: 7:00 PM
- Channel/Frequency: ENGLSH
County-Wide GMRS Net
- Day: Second and fourth Thursday of each month
- Time: 7:30 PM
- Channel/Frequency: KNIGHT
Sample Community Radio Net Script
This template should be adaptable for any community radio net by filling in the specific details for your community.
Pre-Net Announcement:
Pre-Net Announcement:
- 5 min before net begins, announce that "The Community GMRS Radio Net will start in five minutes.
- Good evening and welcome to the Community GMRS Radio Net. This is (your name), (your call sign), net control for this evening.
- This is a directed net. For the duration of this net, all communications should be directed through net control. If you have emergency traffic, please state on your first key-up, and your emergency traffic will be given priority.
- This net meets every (day of the week) at (time) on this frequency.
- For any additional information, please feel free to contact (contact email) for answers to your questions or comments.
- Should there be a local incident, such as an earthquake, power outage, or flood, please tune your radio to this frequency to see if a net has started. Be prepared to act as net control until relieved of duty by a GMRS leader.
- Are there agency representatives this evening, and do you have traffic for the net? Please check in now.
- We will now start with our roll call check-in. Please check in with your first name and last initial, call sign, approximate location, and whether or not you have traffic for the net.
- (Please start roll call using names from the roster)
- Do we have any late, new, or guest check-ins this evening? Please check in now with your call sign, first name, and last initial.
- Will someone step forward to volunteer as net control next week? We will furnish you with a roster and script.
- (encourage someone to step forward)
- (If someone has traffic from their check-in that wasn't discussed yet, request traffic from those folks now.)
- Does anyone have anything else for the net or for Amateur Radio in general?
- (moderate the discussion, if there is one)
- Please remember that our community GMRS has equipment to loan to improve and enhance your experience.
- Additionally, if anyone does not wish to be included on the community GMRS roster with contact info, please contact (contact email) and ask to be taken off.
- Thank you for participating in this net this evening. We look forward to your continued participation by checking into the community net next (day of the week) at (time).